A global Design Guide for a post pandemic workplace
Serasa Experian
At the beginning of the pandemic, it was clear that many changes underway in our society would be definitive. Covid delivered a bold opportunity to adopt new ways of working, an opportunity to reimagine where, when and how work gets done.
In this context, Experian Plc company created in 2020 a global committee to deal with the "Future of Work" (FoW) - constituted by the main leaders.
As an integral part of the Facility and Real Estate workstream of the global committee, I was responsible for taking the lead in "Design Principles", with the aim of developing good design practices and providing a set of recommendations for how to approach and implement renovations and new projects.
The purpose of this paper is to share our ideas, how the process is developing and the initial results so that Corporate Real Estate Management, Facilities Management and Workplace Management (CREM, FM & WPM) professionals can reference and apply these ideals to any current and future projects.
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