Global FM

Global FM was established on 17 May 2006 by the coming together of the leading FM Associations of the day to collaborate and further their common objectives.

Its stated objectives was to operate as a single, united entity promoting Facilities Management and as a conduit for furthering the knowledge and understanding of FM.

Its stated intent was:

  • To encourage greater collaboration between FM communities
  • To utilise the diverse cultures and strengths of each member organisation to enhance the skills and knowledge of their members
  • To promote knowledge, standards and education in the FM profession. Using one voice, collaborate on the development and means to share the practices and recognition of FM

It originally identified 6 ‘hot topics’ that were agreed would benefit from collaborate effort across all member associations, they were:

  • Sustainability
  • Innovation
  • Education and Training
  • Risk Management
  • Facilities Management – now and in the future
  • Economy and Cultures across borders

As can be seen the topics that were originally considered as being appropriate to the sector and which could be better developed and promoted in collaboration of the member association are as relevant today as they were in 2006.