An International community
Our membership operates all over the world.

The Brazilian Facilities Association (ABRAFAC) is a non-profit organisation founded in 2004 to highlight the importance and strategic role of facility professionals in all types or organisations, segments and markets.
This is achieved by providing professional development opportunities, campaigning for recognition of the profession as a strategic value-added activity, and working collaboratively with international counterparts.
ABRAFAC’s objective is to be the definitive point of reference for FM Brazil, providing a forum for the development of knowledge and the sharing of experience, as well as functioning as both a consultation and support source for every FM-related initiative in the country.
South America - Brazil
Tel: +55(11)3266-7963

The Panamanian Association of Facility Management APAFAM is the national representative body of the Facility Management (FM) industry. It aims to spread this discipline and become a vehicle to channel the activities of this industry at the national level, as well as reinforce the recognition of FM in companies.
The Facility Manager's main function is the development and implementation of corporate strategies for the proper functioning and conservation of real estate resources. They are in charge of the optimization policies of spaces and costs, the coordination of construction, renovation and relocation projects; and the contracting of products and services to guarantee a more efficient, humane and productive work environment.
South America - Panama

The Catalan Association of Facility Management (ACFM), as an entity, group those professionals, companies or other entities that offer, promote or develop any of the activities related to the Facility Management in Catalonia, in order to become a center of reference with national and international recognition.
We are working on various initiatives from the side of our three strategic axes (Knowledge, Business and Support to the Partner) in order to capture our stated objective. That is why we invite all entities, companies and professionals related to the world of Facility Management in Catalonia to join us.
Europe - Catalan

The Egyptian Facility Management Association was established as a not-profit institution according to the amended law regulating the practice of Egyptian national associations No. 149 of 2019, with the aim of contributing to the development of the facilities management industry in Egypt, whether at the individual level, or at the level of governmental or private entities, and to be a representative of the work of specialists and dealers with the facilities management industry to ensure sustainable development, dissemination and exchange of knowledge and experiences in various fields of this industry.
Africa - Egypt

The Facility Management Association of Australia (FMA) is the peak national industry body for facilities management, representing and supporting professionals and organisations responsible for the operational management of Australia’s built environments.
FMA serves to further the objectives of facility managers and the facilities management industry through the provision of member benefits and services, professional development and advocacy. We also ensure the needs of professionals and organisations working in and dealing with facilities management are understood and considered in government and business policy formulation and decision making.
Learn more with FMA Personal Development: Professional Development (
For FMA news updates: News landing (
FM Diploma with FMA: Diploma of Facilities Management (
Oceania - Australia
Tel: +61 3 8641 6666

FMANZ is the authoritative voice of and for Facilities Management in New Zealand, representing New Zealand’s community of FM professionals and supporting education, networking and knowledge sharing for members and member organisations.
FMANZ's mission is to be the hub for networking and professional development, and the industry voice for the FM community and the built environment, and its vision is 'building futures for the FM profession'. This is primarily achieved through networking events such as national breakfasts, the annual FM Summit, site visits and tailor-made university master classes.
Oceania - New Zealand
Tel: +64 21 937 987

Founded in 2005, the Hungarian Facility Management Society (HFMS) is an umbrella organisation for the facilities management profession in Hungary.
The mission of the HFMS is threefold: to facilitate the development of facility management as a business area of strategic importance both in Hungary and on an international level; to accomplish, maintain and develop world class domestic professional excellence along with its integration with domestic practices; and to represent the professional and economic interests of its members.
Europe - Hungary
Tel: + 36 1 7001779

Founded in 1980, the International Facility Management Association (IFMA) is the world’s largest association for facility management professionals, supporting 23,000 members in over 100 countries.
With a vision to lead the future of the built environment to make the world a better place, IFMA’s mission is to advance our collective knowledge, value and growth for FMs to perform at the highest level.
IFMA is a key contributor to the development of international FM standards and works with decision makers globally to inform and shape FM-related policy. IFMA provides career resources and continuing education, offers three industry-respected credentials, maintains the largest repository of FM-related content on the web and hosts year-round global events.
International - USATel: +1-713-623-4362

The Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management (IWFM) is the professional body for facilities management (FM) in the UK.
Founded in 1993, we promote excellence in facilities management for the benefit of practitioners, the economy and society. Supporting and representing over 15,000 members around the world, both individual FM professionals and organisations, and thousands more through qualifications and training.
We promote and embed professional standards in facilities management. Committed to advancing the facilities management profession we provide a suite of membership, qualifications, training and networking services designed to support facilities management practitioners in performing to the best of their ability.
Europe - International
Tel: +44 (0) 1279 712620

The Middle East Facility Management Association (MEFMA) is a non-profit professional organization that aims to unify the facility management industry in the Middle East by conducting research, providing educational programs and assisting corporate organizations in creating sustainable facility management strategies.
The association provides a standardized framework for facility management professionals, wider construction industry stakeholders and building owners / occupiers across the Middle East.
Networking, education, knowledge sharing, thought leadership, legislative governance and B2B events are all significant components of strategic FM that are promoted, supported and implemented by MEFMA and its members.
Middle East
Tel: +971 4 3097065

FM in Nigeria is probably about 20 years old, however, there had not been any visible sign of that in our industry, our national economy and the lives of members of the profession, over time, we have fragmented ourselves into small groups rather than come together to forge a common front.
Nigeria FM professionals have aligned operations and association with the US and British FM bodies, IFMA and BIFM with both bodies more driven towards general FM education and learning, and also focused more on their local environment development than development of FM in international environments. This has led to the establishment of associations like SAFMA South Africa Facilities Management Association; MEFMA Middle Estate Facilities Management Association; among others.

The South African Facilities Management Association (SAFMA) is a self-sustaining body recognised locally and internationally for its meaningful role in the South African Facilities Management Community.
SAFMA defines Facilities Management as an enabler of sustainable enterprise performance through the whole life management of productive workplaces and effective business support services.
Established in 1998, SAFMA represents the bulk of South Africa’s FM and service provider organisations, including over 800 individual members.
Africa - South Africa
Tel: +27 (0)79 514 9298

The Saudi Facility Management Association (SFMA) supports the facility management profession across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
SFMA web page :

The Turkish Facility Management Association (TRFMA) is a growing association in the region. They are keen to learn from the wider FM community and also contribute to FM’s growth across the region and beyond.
TRFMA is pleased to have Global FM’s assistance and support to help grow and strengthen the Facility Management profession and industry in Turkey. They are excited to contribute towards the global growth of the FM industry.
Turkish web page :
English Web Page: